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An ERP system is as good as its users

March 28, 2017

Business Software

Change is the foundation of modern business reality, since anything that remains static, soon begins deteriorating. This is especially true for ERP deployment. And because change is in the core of ERP systems, any business that decides to install such a system, actually needs to change the way it operates in many ways. In that sense, it is equally important for employees to adjust to the new working practices.

The problem…

Strangely enough, even though the above reasoning is well-known to most businesses, there are still many that ignore the need for change management, while others simply choose to use only part of the tools their ERP solution provides -probably the ones they feel confident about- so as to avoid any conflict. And then, when the results of the ERP deployment are not what they expected, they obviously blame the system! To be fair though, quite often executives believe that project managers are the ones responsible for implementing change-related tactics, but the later usually lack the skills and training to supervise a comprehensive change management plan.

…and the solution

What needs to be made clear is that every new ERP system deployment must encompass a comprehensive and inclusive change management plan. It is more than certain that projects that include such a plan are the most successful ones, since they ultimately minimize the resistance of end-users towards the introduction of a new technology into their daily work, and at the same time, invest in a positive change approach.

Ultimately, you need to remember that an effective change management plan significantly increases the chances of achieving, or even surpassing, the goals set regarding the deployment project. An effective plan, though, usually requires changing or adjusting the way people think, so as to align with the new needs. For example, the executives and the teams responsible for the project, need to be organizationally prepared and have a proactive approach, in order to predict and overcome any resistance that may come up during the deployment.

Just keep in mind that it is clearly preferred and simpler to resolve an issue that you are well aware of in advance, than to erratically react trying to find a solution that will stop productivity rates from dropping. When you start using your new ERP system, you must be prepared for a potential initial drop in productivity and increased resistance from end-users towards ERP processes. Having a change management plan, you’ll soon minimize this resistance, simply by offering solutions and alternatives that will make the new solution popular after all.


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