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Mobile apps – Finding the right balance

May 8, 2015


Safety is a must in our mobile world. Businesses need safety features to protect their users’ privacy and valuable business data from hackers and other malicious activities. Nonetheless, since functionality always remains a top priority, it is essential to strike the right balance so that you can enjoy the benefits of a strong security system without hindering app functionality and user productivity. Read below for a few tips on how to accomplish that.

Safe login

Mobile apps have access to data stored on mobile devices and user accounts, and therefore safety should be a primary concern every time you download a new app to your mobile device. For safety purposes, some apps do not allow saving logins and passwords, forcing the users to enter them each time they need to use the app. While perhaps a bit annoying, this safety feature may be necessary, depending on the app and its usage.


Having a secure app may be important, but is pointless if the app is not actually working as it should. App developers often assume that users will not bother locking their mobile device with a password or PIN, so they try to incorporate as may safety features as possible. The key is to find the right app that ensures your data safety without compromising performance, usability and functionality. Business users need a secure, user-friendly and reliable app they can count on to check their orders status, place and monitor new orders and access client contacts. A well-designed safety check should go unnoticed and run in the background.


Business apps need to protect both personal and business data, providing the right combination of safety and functionality. If you need to use apps that access your business data, it is also certain that you need to establish authentication processes on two levels. This is a necessity well understood by most business users.

So, if your app does not provide you with the required levels of safety and functionality, perhaps it is time to start looking for another one that would be equally safe and user-friendly. A good way to save some time and trouble would be to go through user reviews before actually trying an app.


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