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Digital Delivery Note: Premiere for businesses
SoftOne Technologies (member of Olympia Group of companies) was declared winner of the bidding process which took place with regard to the acquisition of Unisoft SA. The agreement for the acquisition of Unisoft by SoftOne was signed today and will close right after the issuance of the court decision which will approve the restructuring plan that has been agreed and submitted for approval under the article 106 of B.L.
The acquisition of Unisoft by SoftOne is expected to significantly boost the Company’s aggregate market share as well as to expand its network of partners and the technological know-how of SoftOne, placing the Company into a leading position in the Greek information technology market.
For more than 30 years, Unisoft constitutes one of the leading software companies in the country. It possesses a customer base which exceeds 22,000 software installations in small-sized as well as large-sized companies in Greece and abroad, along with a network of over 300 partners and with an annual turnover above € 7 million.
The CEO of SoftOne, Mr. Antonis Kyriazis, stated the following: “The acquisition of Unisoft constitutes a historical and at the same time exciting deal which brings together and under one roof, two of the largest software companies in Greece, thus changing significantly the dynamics of business software market in Greece. Moreover, the agreement solidifies our strategy towards the achievement of additional growth potential in the international markets through synergies.”